
No kill like overkill
No kill like overkill

no kill like overkill

  • The attack on Canticle City begins with him hurtling kilometers-long Tlaloc at it, destroying it completely.
  • In a flashback, he kills Space Wolf champion Eyarik Born-in-Fire by dismantling him at the molecular level.
  • In another Warhammer 40,000 series, Black Legion, "overkill" seems to be Khayon's standard modus operandi.
  • It's hard to say if the refinery-cum-fuel-air bomb in Caves of Ice was "overkill" or "just enough kill", given that it was used on Necrons, but its blast wave was felt in orbit.
  • In The Traitor's Hand, a Chaos Space Marine is noted as having been killed "with satisfying thoroughness" by two krak missiles and a lascannon, each of which is an anti-tank weapon on its own.
  • Later we learn that her squad sustained no casualties.
  • Among other achievements this lovely young girl managed to lead her fireteam into melee with soldiers devoted to Khorne.
  • no kill like overkill

  • To Ciaphas Cain's Mari Magot, the word overkill is inherently meaningless.
  • Another Terry Pratchett example is the multiple assassination attempts on Dom Sabalos in The Dark Side of the Sun.
  • It's to send the message that the target has incurred the wrath of someone who can afford to be indiscriminate in their revenge.
  • The Assassin's Guild has Inhumation with Extreme Prejudice, where the assassin doesn't just 'inhume' their 'client', but also their family, and everyone in their house, and the street.
  • If that's not good tanking, I don't know what is. Invest in a good shield, and you'll be sitting right around 14,000 by level 35. You'll always have health regen, great damage, and be really difficult to put down. Just go for gunzerking as long and frequently as possible. If you take a few skills on the right, the ones for health regen, and then go down the center skill set, you'll be well off. also, a maliwan slag pistol for duel-wielding with the infinity will be very effective as it will increase your damage by 30% with Divergent Likeness, plus aditional damage from the slag effect, too. fire or corrosive, doesn't really matter, but corrosive will work better in general while the fire will be a lot more effective for flesh than armor. Obviously, when you get to around level 72, you should look at further increasing gunzerk with yippee-ki-yay and the cooldown reduction one from shooting enemies, or increase gunning by going with the left side of the gunlust tree and try to get yourself an infinity pistol.

    No kill like overkill